Custom Software Solutions

The first edition of the AssessLinkPE test of fundamental motor skills utilizes an un-weighted approach which gives equal value to all variables observed.  We realize that this is not the ideal solution for everyone, which is why we are now offering two additional solutions for customers.  

Option 1: Scoring Filter

With the scoring filter tool, we will work with customers to develop a set of criterion for a more simplified rubric.  For example on the site pe4everykid, Mike Graham has his “Keys to Success” for an overhand throw. We can take Mike’s rubric for overhand throw and create a simple copy and paste tool that automatically takes the original AssessLinkPE score and converts it into a printable and exportable spreadsheet meeting Mike’s “Keys to Success.”  Contact Us today about creating a custom solution for your school or program.

Option 2: Custom Software

Another option for schools and researchers is to work with the AssessLink team to create a custom assessment for your exact needs.  This custom assessment can either be a small adjustment to our scoring so that the exportable data meets your district’s existed rubrics.  Or, we can create entirely new assessments for your program that look at different motor skills and movements. Costs of a custom scoring conversion will be significantly less than the cost of a custom skill assessment, but please Contact Us for details. 

Review the exemplars of a custom solution below:


Scenario 1:

A large school district has spent thousands of dollars on curriculum alignment which includes custom rubrics for motor skills.  The lead administrator wants to objectively measure learning and teacher effectiveness.  

Cost to Convert Scoring:

To convert AssessLinkPE so that your score reporting is on a 1-2-3-4-5 point scale would cost about $1,000/skill, or $8,000.  You would then be the exclusive owner of your custom score, and your software would function like the AssessLinkPE program except the reported score would be more simple.  You would have your own custom application to meet your needs. Contact Us to get the conversation started.


Scenario 2:

A researcher video records 200 students in a longitudinal trial of curriculum effectiveness.  The are using something like the TGMD-3. Graduate students and fellow researchers spend countless hours reviewing the videos at a cost of $10-$15/hr.  $30-40,000 later and months after the study has concluded, the researchers publish their findings.

Cost to Create a Custom Software:

A full TMGD-style assessment it would cost $28,500 for Overhand Throw, Kick, Leap, TMGD Striking, Underhand Toss, and Horizontal Jump.  This is roughly averaged out to be $4,750/skill and you would be the exclusive owner of this TMGD-style assessment. The cost would be less than paying research assistants, and would save the research team thousands of hours of time.   Contact Us to get a quote for your solution.